⚑ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I am a Mechatronics Engineer with a passion for innovation, systems thinking, design thinking, and creative solutions. I am eager to apply my recognised hands-on technical, client-focused and design experience to challenges in the fields of systems engineering, mechatronic engineering, and product design.
A skilled innovator with experience in product fabrication, human-centred design thinking, the product life cycle, and strong interpersonal skills, recognised both professionally and academically.
<aside> <img src="/icons/fireworks_green.svg" alt="/icons/fireworks_green.svg" width="40px" /> I’m open to work! Currently looking for opportunities or internships in the design engineering, mechatronic engineering and product design space.
Connect with me on LinkedIn or download my resume here.
Kushagr Mittal - Resume (June 2024)
My design and engineering portfolio is below.
Master of Mechatronics Engineering @ University of Melbourne (Graduating Nov. 2024)
Mechatronics Intern @ Arkeus
Student Guide @ Telstra Creator Space / QinetiQ Australia
Associate Design Engineer @ Product Design Lab
Engineering & Design Portfolio
Kush Mittal, 2024. Opinions are my own.